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The Best Ways of On Site Tape Destruction

Amanda Shaw • November 29, 2024

Information loss is inevitable – by hook or by crook. Meaning, any information that is saved in data tapes has its limits for storing. Regardless if it is intentionally or accidentally deleted, the files will be erased or not so. There is a required thorough process to guarantee complete tape destruction.

Many thoughts of this same misconception, it is hard to retrieve erased tape data. Well, that is seemingly off the mark. It is incorrect to presume that once a file is deleted on the computer hardware, especially if the device is no longer working or if a company decides to erase all pertinent files to prevent data leakage, there will be no room for retrieving them.

Information Technology (IT) experts have elaborated that although the file has been erased in the device, the data tapes and hard drives still contain the deleted file. Thus, the confidentiality of the data information is still not secured.

In that case, many big companies, so to speak, request the services of IT experts for data tape destruction. Knowing how confidential the information they file up will cause real trouble once those data are discarded carelessly. 

computer tape

On Site Tape Destruction: A Data Saver

To ensure the privacy protection of all the confidential data a company keeps, deleting them to bits is done by professional destruction standard services from IT agencies. 

Through the improved tech-based knowledge that IT disposal services offer among the clients, data security and e-waste solutions become possible. Much more ideally, on site tape destruction saves the company's reputation from any forbearing data leakage and saves the environment by reducing electronic waste.

Tape Destruction: 4 Best Disposing Procedures

Many of you might be wondering how on site tape destruction is done on your data. Various IT agencies provide different means to resolving issues concerning data storage. Some use the methods of deleting or reformatting, wiping, overwriting data, erasing the file information, or utilizing physical destruction by drilling, bending, crushing, and hammering (but this one is not so eco-friendly).

However, regardless of whichever course of action is provided by IT agencies, there are numerous most viable ways to do the on site tape destruction:

tape destruction

1. Shredding

One of the best ways for on site tape destruction is shredding. It is an IT assets disposal way to ensure that your private information will never land in the wrong hands. When shredding is done in the right way, it decreases the data recovery.

Hard drives and tape shredding highly prevent the danger of data leakage. Shredding works by destroying the tapes into smaller pieces. That’s why it is highly impossible to reconstruct shredded tape.

However, if too much tape needs to be shredded, it will take up many spaces. In the long run, tons of shredded tape will fill landfills. Thus, the small pieces of tape will soon create e-waste that sits in landfills. Still, shredding is a decent choice for minimal tape destruction since it is cost-effective. It offers the most inexpensive method of on site tape destruction.

Overall, shredding is best for privacy safety and cheaper tape destruction costs. Yet, it poses possible harm to the planet. With that, we can say that everything has its pros and cons. 

2. Burning

Along with shredding, burning of tape is also an effective way for best tape destruction. Although incineration also comes with its disadvantages. The burning of the magnetic tape completely destroys all the data stored in the tape.

Also, the IT assets disposal experts burn the magnetic tapes in temperature-controlled ovens. The incineration makes sure that the tape ruins itself completely, including the tape cartridge. Thus, you can guarantee the burned tape will leave zero solid waste. Luckily, there is nothing to dispose of in the landfills.

data tape burning

However, burning can release toxic elements of the tape. It might have a negative effect on the atmosphere. So, consult the best and reliable computer service company to know if burning tape is the most suited tape destruction process you can get.

3. Degaussing

On the other way around, degaussing is also a good way for tape destruction. Also, degaussing is commonly known as demagnetizing.

Degaussing makes sure to erase all tape stored data. Each tape has a magnetic field. Therefore, degaussing works as a process of destroying data in tape by rearranging magnetic tape surfaces. Thus, finally, erasing all the previously stored data. 

The correct way of degaussing requires lengthy exposure to a magnet with a field. It must be two to three times stronger compared to the magnetic field of the tape. Contrary to shredding, degaussing poses no harm to the environment. It is possible since the tape destruction method includes no physical destruction. 

Tape degaussing uses a machine that efficiently ruins backup tape by scrambling its data to make it unrestorable. It is an excellent method since most of the tapes can be recorded multiple times. So, destroying data through degaussing saves money for tape destruction.

4. Recycling

Most of the data tape can be recycled and reused. Out of all the tape destruction options, recycling is the most cost-effective and eco-friendly choice.

When the tape data is erased, you can reuse it. Thus, extend the use of magnetic tape so you will be saving more for your future IT asset upgrades. Recycling also allows you to enjoy a worthwhile use of the tape. Thus, enabling you to save money and resources.

Overall, you should choose the best IT data security services company that provides convenience and benefitting results in whatever process of tape destruction they recommend you to have.

Results of Tape Destruction Refusal 

Undeniably, acquiring on site tape destruction is a pronounced advantage for a company since it can prevent any obstructing dilemmas that might threaten the company's security and reputation.

For these reasons, it is fitting to seek the help of IT agencies for their tape disposal services. 

However, if for instances that a company skipped this process, it might suffer from the following:

Cramped Data Workspace

Although a data storage application is installed in computer devices to make up for the filing of saved data, it cannot give a lifetime data storage facility. As a result, the computer tends to lag, freeze or even cause delays both on online and offline tasks due to its slow performance. Moreover, it will make the data storage even messier because of the unorganized data center in the computer device.

High-end Expenses

Obsolete data media tapes have unnoticeably become a subject for storage fees. So, to speak, since they are beyond the progressing technology, it puts them at a disadvantage. Unlike the new media with the best and high-quality features, the former is being left behind. Despite how many times the company tries to remodel and improve its features, it still cannot beat the superb facets of the new media. Consequently, they cause a shrink in the work performance while increasing the payment charge. 

Data Leakage

The confidentiality of the company's data is its lifesaving core. Thus, an act of disposing of the contracts signed between the clients and the company. Also, as the other relevant information of legal regulations and policies, be protected at all cost to avoid causing abomination. 

Thus, the refusal for on site tape destruction of such data will possibly result in breaches in the contract. 

In that case, it's not only the company's wealth that will be affected (as such instances might cost a high compensation) but also the clients' loss of trust and respect. 

Checking your Choice: A Data Destruction Company Guide

Searching for an on-site tape destruction agency is easy since anything is almost accessible in web browsers. But, if you wish to find the best IT assets disposal services, you have to first start with a checklist by doing a thorough assessment of the company possesses the following:

  • certificates of sanitization for all the disposed of media's data 
  • a clear documentary audit trail of the data 
  • policy-based procedures
  • insured responsibility and secured training among the company and its employees
  • a responsive approach to the client's queries and concerns

On site Tape Destruction with Abtron!

Hundreds or might be thousands of IT companies have been leaping to promote their services online. The spurs in technological advances have moved into a higher pace of up-to-date approaches that overhaul the needs of their clients.

Yet, with the enormous lists that you might have in your search engines, it will be somehow a challenge of effort and time to find the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

As for that, Abtron Computer Services, Inc. makes its way into your browsers to provide you with smart hardware and on-site tape destruction solutions to your community's computing needs.

With its end-of-life asset management, you will be free from the hassles of coping with your data concerns and retracts. Also, Abtron treats every client with the respect it deserves and with services that offer pleasing results.

Moreover, with over 25 years of experience, Abtron consistently follows thorough and strict compliance to keep data private. At the same time, they follow environmentally friendly disposal ways for their client’s IT assets. Check out their other excellent services on their website.

If you wish to destroy your data safely, contact us on our website. You can get a free quote today if you call us on our telephone number, 416-661-7503, or get in touch on our website

Get a Free Quote Today!

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