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What is Degaussing Hard Drive and Why It Is a Must

Amanda Shaw • January 20, 2025

Hard drives are well-known storage that withstands the test of time since 1953. Yes, decades ago, engineers working in an IBM’s laboratory discovered the first ever hard drive in history. Noticeably, technology is fast-paced evolving. Newer models of hard drives with more extensive data capacity at affordable prices are being introduced every year.

No doubt that individuals and organizations are nonstop upgrading their hard drives. This leads to a higher number of disposals for the mentioned media storage over time.; Unfortunately, most people do not degauss their storage equipment like hard drives, unaware of its consequences. They failed to know what is degaussing hard drive after all; it should be a must thing.

People tend to think that throwing their hard drives in a landfill or having it smashed into bits will be enough for their disposal, but it does not work that way. If you are currently planning to dispose of some of it now, please do not do those said methods above. You will only waste your time, and worse, you will be putting your information at risk. The correct action to do is find out what is degaussing hard drive and why it is the most reliable data destruction process. Read on and discover the answers.

what is degaussing hard drive

What is degaussing hard drive?

Degaussing of hard drives is reducing or eliminating magnetic field presence from the said storage media until all of its information is unusable. It is the most effective way to erase your hard drives’ data to prevent privacy risks and digital threats. Tech companies use degaussers to perform this kind of data destruction. Degaussers are classified into different builds and features to correspond with the particular data storage you wish to destroy. The proper usage of a degausser can lead to guaranteed disposal of any hard drive contents. So, it is crucial to have experts perform it as much as possible.

Knowing what is degaussing hard drive is beneficial not only to your data security but also to the environment. You might not notice this, but you are also helping in a way to decrease the number of e-waste on the planet when you degauss hard drives. Since most of its remaining parts are still available for recycling, but you must know that there is an emphasis on “recycling.” Because you should not be mistaken about hard drives being reused again after a degaussing process as it is not possible. You cannot reuse a degaussed hard drive. However, the remaining parts, such as its magnetic tapes and metals, are up for recycling. There are specific companies that are willing to buy and recycle degaussed/damaged drives from you.

Being aware of what is degaussing hard drive will help you in various aspects; may it be in ensuring your data privacy or reducing the total number of e-wastes. Not to mention that after hard drive degaussing, you can still make some money out of selling its reusable parts to recycling companies. It clearly shows that digging deeper into a degaussing hard drive will only provide you a win-win situation!

Standard Formats of Hard Drives

Hard drives are media storage that is known for their increased reliability and speed features. Over the years, they are modified and upgraded into the latest available technology at hand to stay relevant among consumers. Each comes with individual applied technology formats. The four widely-used technology formats nowadays are the following:

what is degaussing hard drive

Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA)

As its name suggests, PATA is created with similar signaling technology that transports multiple bits simultaneously. PATA drives are capable of transferring data up to 133 MB/s. It has been in use since the 1980s, but demands for this type of hard drive are declining. Most computer stores nowadays seldom offer PATA drives anymore since they are almost considered outdated. With this said, these drives are more and more seen in a degaussing field. It is highly suggested that if you still own a hard drive of this kind, make sure to research more about what is degaussing hard drive because it will come in handy later on.

Serial ATA (SATA)

Unlike PATA drives, SATA is the kind of hard disk that is still in use today. SATA drives have a more considerable amount of storage, yet they are retailed at affordable prices, making them the best choice for people who are on a budget. However, the favorable features compromise its speed since it operates slower than the rest of the latest hard drives. The disk inside of a SATA rotates at various speeds depending on the model, reaching up to 15,000 revolutions per minute (RPM) at max. But keep in mind that the higher the RPM, the more prone the SATA drive is too mechanical failure. If yours happened to fail as well, check out what is degaussing hard drive immediately.

Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)

SCSI drives are developed in the 1970s and initially named Shugart Associates System Interface after the organization discovered it, but now, it is better known and pronounced as “scuzzy.” It is still in use, but around the year - 2005, the demands for such type started to drop due to newer drives launched in the market significantly. More and more SCSI-drive owners are disposing of numbers of its kind since then. They began to realize the importance of knowing what is degaussing hard drive and keeping their information secured.

Solid State Drives (SSD)

Among all of the hard drives in this list, SSD is the only type of drive that does not magnetically store data. Instead, the data are stored thru the use of a semiconductor chip. SSDs use the concept of flash memory to work, the same as the likes of a Random Access Memory (RAM) found in motherboards. It is expensive considering how it costs three times higher than of a SATA drive. People still use them, and are regarded as the most preferred kind of hard drive nationwide.

Factors to Consider when Degaussing Hard Drives

The factors to consider during degaussing of hard drives are interrelated; meaning, a particular aspect can significantly affect the rest of the elements. The deliberation of the final factors will play a huge role in getting an effective degaussing process. Below are a few of the significant factors that you should consider before degaussing:

what is degaussing hard drive

The Type of the Hard Drive

As mentioned above, each type of hard drive has unique features of its own. Some kind holds a massive amount of storage while others are only entitled to store data in a limited space. Note that the amount of the stored data present in the drive will determine how much time it will take to be degaussed. That is why finding out the storage capacity of your drive is essential. Moreover, few drives are considered magnetic drives and are ideal for degaussing; PATA and SATA drives are examples of these. Being aware of what model you want to destroy is a foremost factor if you plan to degauss. The hard drive will later affect the remaining elements: the best-suited degausser to use, the budget you must prepare, and even the speed of the process.

The Compatibility of the Degaussers

Degausser is the leading equipment that aids tech companies in performing safe data destruction. Although proven useful, not all degaussers are equally created to dispose of any media storage. One of the most important factors to observe upon making degausser-related choices is its magnetic field strength. It is for the reason that some models are built for data media that has simple magnetic value while others are heavy-duty that are intended for higher volume of storage media

The Allocated Budget

You probably have an estimated budget in mind before researching further on what is degaussing hard drive since you want to be prepared in doing such a process. There are a few kinds of degaussers that are affordable, like degaussing wands. They are portable, convenient, and reasonably priced since most of them will just cost you around 500 USD. Although compared to degaussing machines, their capabilities are less impressive. Degaussing machines may be pricier, but they are worth it in the long run because they are way durable and functional. Both degaussing wands and devices are available for you to purchase or rent. Either way, it would be best to consult and get a quotation from a degaussing expert to utilize your budget in the best way possible.

 Desired Level of Speed and Effectiveness

Another thing to reflect on is the speed and efficiency that you want to achieve during data destruction. Some degausser works faster while others take time to get the job done. Degausser models like T-1.5 HDD and Proton T-4 HDD Machines can execute an automatic cycle that can provide fast and reliable hard drive destruction in less than a minute. Those kinds are proven effective, yet it will not consume a lot of your time. That is why it is vital to choose a type of degausser that would perfectly meet your needs and conditions.

Degauss Hard Drives with Abtron!

Do you need to dispose of hard drives but do not how and where to start with? Abtron can effortlessly give you the answers to any hard drive-related inquiries, such as the essential question of them all – what is degaussing hard drive? We guarantee you a high-quality service of data destruction using the finest degaussing equipment available. You can rest assured that we will match your expectations and your budget will surely be well-spent. Check out our website to know more!

Get a Free Quote Today!

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