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How to Find Value in Selling Used Computer Parts

Amanda Shaw • January 5, 2021

Due to the inflation of computer prices every year, it is not surprising that more people have been opting for used computer parts instead. Users have started to realize that it is more practical to build their computers than spend tons of money on a single computer purchase. This increasing demand for used computer parts sparks interest for both individuals and companies that wish to profit from these components. Their urge to sell second-hand computer parts is understandable because it is better than merely storing or disposing of them elsewhere. 

With that being said, many people are searching for the best places and platforms to sell their used computer parts. This is a good thing because there are different factors that the seller should look into in exchange for their computer assets.  If you are one of those who also consider used computer parts as a selling opportunity, read on.

used computer parts

Why Computer Parts are Valuable

Until now, some users are still hesitant about buying components that are already used by someone else. Most of them wanted to give it a try, yet they fear the risks that come with the said purchase. It is vital to educate and understand that buying used computer parts is not a bad idea. The best way to do this is by telling them what they are missing the most – its pros. You, yourself, must be familiar with the reasons why used components are worth buying. This way, you will not have a hard time to sell and convince fellow users that what you are selling is a form of investment. 

One of the most apparent reasons to tell buyers is that buying from used computer stores will save them a considerable amount of money. Used CPU and RAM are functional as long as ten years, and they rarely fail. Securing affordable used components that are durable and long-lasting is a deal that anyone cannot resist. You must explain to them that these kinds of parts when bought new will cost them a fortune. So, emphasize that these components can perform as much as the brand new ones. 

Another good point to highlight among buyers is that they are not only saving money, but in a way, they are saving the environment. Buying used equipment or its parts prolong their technology life. Therefore, buyers are diverting these components from being an addition to the massive pile of e-wastes across landfills.  Either way, used computer parts offer benefits to both parties who are involved in the transaction. Not to mention that it also contributes to the betterment of the environment.

used computer parts

Ideal Parts to Sell

Not all computer parts are worthy of selling, and you must know this beforehand. After all, you do not want to go through much trouble selling something, then realizing at the last minute that buyers do not intend to buy such parts. The majority of buyers know that there are particular parts to avoid when buying used computer parts like old hard drives. Hence, it is essential to know which specific details should be up for selling. Here is a list of some used computer components that are ideal to sell:

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

CPU is one of the most in-demand used computer parts among users. It is because CPUs are generally durable, and they rarely fail. That is why; CPU often tops the list of the safest computer components to buy even if used already. As the seller, check any bent pins and state if the CPU has ever been overclocked; since these are the usual concerns of CPU buyers. 

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM, together with the CPU, has longer lifespans compared to any other computer parts. It is the same reason why buyers gravitate more to purchasing these two particular components. Also, knowledgeable buyers are well-are that most RAMs have lifetime warranties, and buying a used functional one is tally a great deal. Keep in mind that RAM's appearance alone is not an indicator if the component works. Thus, be sure that you have tried it yourself and it is still working correctly. So by the time that a buyer raises a question about the matter, you can immediately provide a confident answer. 

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

GPU, also known as Graphics Cards, is a component that gets mixed opinions on whether it is worth the risk or not but still, many users buy them. So if you got a spare or used one, sell it as soon as possible. Smart buyers know that most GPU warranties only last for three years. Therefore, they search for ones that are only used for a year or two. Also, users steer away if they sense that a GPU has been used for mining by an irresponsible reseller since it is most likely to have overheating issues. Being transparent towards your buyers is the key to sell your used GPU faster. Thus, confirming the precise condition of the component is a must.

Where to Sell Used Computer Parts

Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD) Companies

ITAD companies must top your list if you want to make a good sale out of your computer parts. IT asset disposition companies often buy used pieces of any electronics and electrical equipment. They then extract useful materials out of this hardware and sell it back to initial manufacturers. However, there are times when they keep the parts intact and remarket it to other willing buyers. The amount that you will receive upon the transaction depends on the quality and materials of your assets.

You should note that you might wait a couple of days before getting paid since ITAD vendors take their time to assess your IT goods, so you can get the money you deserve. The quantity and size of the parts also affect the length of the waiting time. Do not worry; efficient ITAD companies can give your payment in a span of 2 to 21 days. Therefore, partnering with a trustworthy ITAD company is essential.


Selling your used computer parts on various online retailers will help you reach a broader range of buyers. Well-known online platforms like eBay, Craiglist, and Amazon are where most sellers take a chance to sell their used belongings. The reason is apparent – buyers tend to immediately search on these famous sites for used devices and equipment, but keep in mind that there are several pros and cons to weigh before selling on these sites.

One of the perks of selling thru online retailers is the freedom to set your price. This way, you do not have to rely on others when it comes to how high or low your cost would be, and you can make your terms in regards to pricing. Moreover, some of these sites are also capable of protecting you from fraud. So, you do not have to worry about scams at all. 

Social Media

Posting products on social media is one of the easiest ways to sell anything. You do not need to spend an additional fee to post or do a listing setup. As long as you have an account in any social media and a stable internet connection, you can get the ball rolling. Social networking sites like Facebook feature a dedicated marketplace for sellers and buyers alike. This intended platform offers a convenient place for you to find possible buyers.

Make sure to have captions that perfectly match the specifications of the computer parts that you are selling. Also, attach good quality pictures of the items to give buyers an exact look at what they will get. Marketing on social media lets you regulate the entire transaction alone, and this means both good and bad things. It is excellent since you can avoid extra charges and the hassle that comes with selling. But this also means that there are no specific measures to protect you, so you need to always be on the lookout for unreliable buyers and shady deals.

Garage/Yard Sales

Conducting garage or yard sales is a bit on the traditional way to sell but admit it, this does not require as much effort and resources as the other options. It will save you a considerable amount of time and money. It is highly advisable if you are well-aware that there are people in your neighborhood who are possibly interested in such equipment parts. Furthermore, hosting a yard sale is also an excellent opportunity to sell your used computer parts and other belongings that you are no longer fond of.

used computer parts

Ask the Experts - Abtron!

If you are a new reseller and the whole process seems complex, ask the experts for professional assistance. ITAD companies like Abtron Computer Services Inc. is no doubt the best option to sell any used computer parts. They do n   ot need convincing, for they know what to expect in any used hardware and components. You can bet that your used computer assets will be evaluated appropriately, and rest assured that you will receive the right amount of payment corresponding to the value of your IT components. Moreover, they will give you comprehensive instructions on how you will get started with the sale. Call Abtron today to know more!

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