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How To Choose The Best Electronic Recycling Association in Toronto?

Amanda Shaw • March 29, 2021

In Canada, an average resident gets a new device almost every two years. These add to the mounting amount of electronic waste produced each year. As a matter of fact, according to the Global E-waste Monitor, Canada is one of the world’s most e-waste producers. In 2016 approximately 725,000 tons of electronic waste was produced by Canadians. And unfortunately, only twenty percent of these electronic wastes are successfully recycled. The growing problem in electronic waste has heightened the need to have a proper electronic recycling association in Toronto, the capital city of Ontario, Canada.

The City of Toronto is committed to reducing waste, specifically electronic waste, to solve global environmental problems. This, in turn, resulted in the organization of different associations providing electronic recycling in Toronto. However, entrusting your e-waste to third-party organizations incorporates additional security risks for yourself and your business.

electronic recycling association toronto

What is E-waste and Electronic Recycling?

E-waste stands for electronic waste; these are scraps produced from disposed electronic devices. Simply speaking, e-wastes are electronic and computer devices that are considered irreparable and no longer useful. E-wastes are not limited to computer devices such as laptops and desktop computers. There are other types of electronic waste found almost anywhere. Home appliances, cell phone devices, gym equipment, power tools, lighting devices, and digital toys are also sources of e-waste once they reach the end of their useful lives. 

E-waste recycling, on the other hand, is the process of reprocessing electronic components for reuse. It starts from collecting waste, segregation according to types, disassembly, and series of segregation of disassembled parts. It also includes extracting the toxic contents of the electronic waste to avoid contamination and improper disposal to the environment. Besides, it consists of the process of recovering plastic materials and precious metals from using them to create new units of electronic devices. 

Electronic wastes and e-waste recycling are almost the same as the other waste that people produced. The only difference is the added complexity in handling because of the unique components of electronic devices. Two things dramatically affect the complexity of e-waste recycling. First is the complicated composition of electronic devices. And second, the confidentiality of information the electronic devices bear.

Why is Electronic Recycling Important?

Electronics are known to have a short-term useful life. And because of that, the increasing volume of electronic waste heightened the need to adopt efficient and effective electronic recycling practices. It is estimated that by 2021, the amount of electronic waste produced will be increased to 52.2 million metric tons. This amount of e-waste is a significant threat to the environment and human health. People are always after convenience and efficiency. That’s why they are in continuous demand for a technology upgrade. It causes the early disposal of electronics even before the end of their useful lives. Here are a few of the numerous reasons why electronic recycling is a must.

electronic recycling association toronto

Solid Waste Management

Just like any other waste, proper handling of electronic waste is necessary because of the environmental and health implications it brings. Among different kinds of wastes, e-wastes are considered a waste cluster that needs special attention in solid waste management because of the chemical compounds and contents incorporated in its parts. Also, because of the complex built of electronic devices, technical knowledge in electronics is needed to eliminate electronic wastes properly.

Good Source of Raw Materials

Electronic devices use plastics and precious metals as raw materials. These kinds of materials are non-renewable, but the good thing is that they are reusable if retrieved adequately from electronic devices. By practicing an excellent electronic recycling process, these materials will be retrieved and used as raw materials to produce new units. Not only will you save money from recycling, but you will also help the environment save its non-renewable resources. It is also believed that electronic devices contain more mines as compared to the ores mined beneath the earth’s surface. Practicing proper e-waste recycling will enable humans to collect mines without further destroying the earth’s land areas. When properly recycled, computer devices will produce 40 to 50 times more mines than the mines extracted from the ground.

Contains Toxic Materials

Electronic devices contain toxic materials and hazardous substances. When not properly handled, these materials will be released as landfills, and that will pollute the environment. These toxins are susceptible to contamination and are bad for the environment and humans, and animals. For example, when an electronic device containing lead is dumped into landfills, the substance can reach humans and adversely affect the kidney and the nervous system.

Compliance with Waste Regulations

Because of the detrimental effects of electronic waste on the environment, states implement waste regulations that everyone must follow. These regulations also provide for fines and penalties in case of non-compliance. Rules and regulations apply to different community levels; there can be rules for personal use, electronic wastes, and corporate e-wastes. Compliance with these regulations will save the company a lot of money and its reputation. Usually, fines and penalties related to violation of waste regulations are enormous amounts that are not bearable even for huge businesses. This, in turn results in business closures, especially for small businesses.

electronic recycling association toronto

Things to Consider in Choosing the Best Electronic Recycling Association

Every business owner would want to protect their security and keep their reputation. Before availing of electronic recycling services, you must be aware of the things to consider in choosing the best electronic association in Toronto.

Know your needs

The first step in choosing the best electronic recycling association is to know your needs. Identify the specific kinds of electronic waste that need to be disposed of. This will help you easily identify the recycling services that you will need. 

Environmental Commitments

Electronic wastes and recycling are closely related to environmental issues. In choosing the best recycling association, you must be aware of their environmental commitments. Avoid association with organizations that do not have a clear commitment to protecting the environment.

Data Security

Electronic waste bears a lot of personal information and confidential data that the company must adequately secure. Not doing so might lead to security threats and violation of confidentiality agreements. Another important consideration in choosing the best electronic recycling association is to know whether the association can keep your data secure until it is rendered illegible. This will lessen the worry of illegal and unauthorized use of your personal information.

Cost and Benefits

Just like any services or products we avail, the cost must be considered before deciding. The fee must be reasonable for the quality and volume of services required. The benefits provided by the association must exceed or at least equates to the cost paid in availing the services.


Suppose you are keeping your electronic waste for too long before its actual disposal increases data leakage risk. Also, it will consume space in your office or house during the waiting period for recycling. Your chosen association must be able to provide efficient services when your needs require you to do so. Moreover, negotiation with the association must also be efficient and clear to avoid any misunderstanding and further problems.

Secure Your Electronic Recycling with us!

Abtron has over 25 years of experience, 3895 satisfied clients, 49750 completed projects, and 33 awards. With this massive, meaningful experience in computer services and other related services, we will surely provide exceptional services to satisfy your needs. 

If you are looking for a company where you can put your trust, then Abtron is perfect for you. We help our clients in protecting their confidential data. Moreover, we are also compliant with the waste and security regulations. To know more about how Abtron can help you with your needs, contact us today.

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